Manderino, M., & Castek, J. (2016). Digital Literacies for Disciplinary Learning

Manderino, M., & Castek, J. (2016). Digital Literacies for Disciplinary LearningManderino, M., & Castek, J. (2016). Digital Literacies for Disciplinary Learning

Digital Literacies for Disciplinary Learning explores intersections of digital and disciplinary literacies across multiple learning contexts.

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Manderino, M., & Castek, J. (2016). Digital Literacies for Disciplinary Learning: A Call to Action. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy: A Journal from the International Reading Association, 60(1), 79–81.


Digital Literacies for Disciplinary Learning explores intersections of digital and disciplinary literacies across multiple learning contexts. Topics addressed in the column come from variety of disciplines and include work with youth and adults, both in school and out of school. Digital enhancements will bring content to life and provoke questions, comments, and connections encouraging interactivity with readers. Jill Castek is a research assistant professor and director of the Literacy, Language, & Technology Research group at Portland State University, Portland, OR , USA . Michael Manderino is an assistant professor of literacy education at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL , USA . You can contact Jill at or on Twitter (@jillcastek) or Michael at or on Twitter (@mmanderino).